Rational Russian — Withering Lies

April 11, 2008

Apology NOT Accepted Yet

Filed under: god, Humanity, religion — Tags: , , , — RoAleks @ 6:32 pm

After being named “Worst Person in the World,” Representative Davis decided to privately apologize to Mr. Sherman, a prominent Chicago atheist.  That is great news for Mr. Sherman, and I’m personally glad that he accepted her apology, however, I am still offended  — and nobody apologized to me (or any other atheist, for that matter).

CHICAGO (WBBM) — State Representative Monique Davis is apologizing a week after she blasted an atheist activist during a hearing over a million dollar grant for a South Side church.

Because of Davis’ rant, she was named Tuesday night as the “worst person in the world” –a dubious award doled out daily by news commentator Keith Olbermann on MSNBC’s “Countdown” program.

Rep. Davis told atheist Rob Sherman that, “What you have to spew and spread is dangerous” and that “This is the land of Lincoln where people believe in God.”

But, after being on the receiving end of a week’s worth of public criticism, Davis called Sherman yesterday to apologize.

Sherman says Davis told him she “took out her frustrations and emotions on me and that she shouldn’t have done that.” Sherman says Davis’ explanation was “reasonable” and that he forgives her.

According to Sherman and State Rep. Jack Franks….Davis claims her outburst was triggered by learning shortly beforehand…that there’d been another Chicago Public School student killed.

State Rep. Jack Franks was chairing the hearing that day and says Davis’ outburst was uncharacteristic, adding “she was having a bad day.”

Chicago public school students are going to continue to die needlessly as long as the second amendment continues to be interpreted that all citizens have the right to bear arms.  The authors of the constitution didn’t make many mistakes, but they made a grievous error here.  Innocent kids are dying every day as a result.  Unfortunately, god does not have anything to do with this problem.  Atheists and theists alike, do not want any children dying in the 21st Century.

Representative Davis, you have to speak out against intolerance for all people — not just religious people.   In the land of Lincoln, God has never prevented gun violence, and never will, but the humanist movement could.  Maybe if you can learn something about the people you demonize, you would understand that we hate intolerance and guns, and promote reasonable solutions to many human issues.

Separation of Church and State is a critical principle in the US Constitution, and therefore, using public funds to rebuild a church is illegal.  Mr. Sherman, who just happens to be atheist, brought this to your attention, and you lashed out at him and all atheists.  You owe us a public apology.

I’m including my original email here, as well, for your reference.

Atheists are simply not religious people (lack belief of a God, or
deity), and are not a threat to communities.  It is generally a
misconception to equate atheists with “evil.”

Strict gun control, an issue that I personally wholeheartedly support,
is in no way related to atheism or the general beliefs of atheists.

Personally, until a few days ago, I was an outspoken supporter of your
policies and proposed legislation, as my personal views align with
yours on many different fronts.  However, the separation of church and
state is one of the most important concepts in the US constitution,
and your recent attack towards atheists was misguided.  Therefore, I
will not be able to support you any further, unless you issue a public
apology to Chicago atheists that you obviously offended.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or would like to meet to
discuss this further.

Thank you,
Rational Russian
Chicago Resident, Supporter, and Liberal Democrat

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