Rational Russian — Withering Lies

March 31, 2008

National Day of… Bigotry?

Filed under: god, religion — Tags: , , , — RoAleks @ 11:22 pm

Some people would like you to believe that you are not praying enough. To fine-tune your prayer-ing, the “National Day of Prayer” website, wants you to pray seven days a week.

Here is what they say:

“Are you willing to commit to pray for our country seven days a week? Are you able to set aside time in your car, during your coffee break, or before bedtime? We want to challenge you make this prayer commitment. 7×7 involves praying for seven centers of power seven days a week:
Government, Military, Media, Business, Education, Church and Family. By remembering these specific prayer points, we can cover all Americans with God’s power. Together, we will see positive change!”

You see, all you have to do is PRAY, and everything will be much better.

Digging a little bit deeper, here’s what’s behind this:

“The heart of the National Day of Prayer are the 40,000 plus volunteers around the country who are planning events every year to unite the body of Christ in prayer. Behind these wonderful prayer warriors are the staff of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, led by Mrs. Shirley Dobson.”

Shirley Dobson, of course, is the wife of Dr. James Dobson, the founder and president of “Focus on the Family,” a right-wing evangelical Christian conservative organization.

In fact, after filtering through all the niceties on the site, here’s what you see:

“Please pray for the family to be preserved as the Lord intended ­ the marital
union of one man and one woman devoted to each other and to raising the children in their home to be responsible, caring adults. Also keep in
mind our elected leaders and the members of our judicial system as they consider proposed legislation and various court cases related to marriage and the family. This is one of the most crucial matters facing our nation, and it’s imperative that God’s people remain diligent in
intercession for these concerns.”

In other words, take the time out of your schedules and fill it with bigotry and discrimination against your neighbors. Repeat every day for seven days — until it really sinks in.

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